The Client
Our client is responsible for the delivery and coordination of early childhood, primary and secondary school, vocational, adult, migrant and higher education.
Industry State Government
Size of Business Nearly 100,000 employees
Location NSW
Service TS: Graduate Training/Intern Program
The Department was seeking support to assist in and facilitate the identification of suitable candidates for upskilling and training opportunities in specialised niche skills, while simultaneously supporting the industries requiring those proficiencies.
Our Strategy
The primary focus of Paxus’ approach in this program is to partner with job seekers, employers, the Department, and Tafes to identify and enable vocational training opportunities that cater to niche industries with high demand for skilled workers (namely production, media, marketing, digital and information technology).
Using bespoke sourcing strategies and tailored assessment programs, the approach goes beyond mere training and into seamless transitions for candidates from education to work. Broadly, the process followed for each round is:
This involves facilitating training and upskilling via the Tafe system, then transitioning the candidates from education to practical work placements.
Plan & Prepare: engage with key stakeholders
Source & Attract candidates
Screening & Assessment
Selection: confirm top 12-15 candidates
Training & Assessment
End of Assessment
Interviews & Onboarding

63 bespoke competency-based interviews conducted

74 successful candidates

5 rounds completed so far
The Outcome
Over the course of the implementation, our Talent Solutions team have successfully completed the first five rounds of vocational training. To date, hundreds of candidates have been screened with 74 successful candidates participating across studio production, design, and digital disciplines.
Those candidates so far have benefited from comprehensive training that equipped them with specialised skills essential for success in the industry. The matching of skilled workers to niche areas not only addressed industry needs, but also empowered individuals to kickstart their careers with confidence and expertise.

Ongoing Impact
As part of our approach, Paxus also provides ongoing Contractor management to successful candidates, assigning a dedicated Contractor Care Consultant for each contractor post placement. This provides an elevated customer service experience and has proven to increase contractor retention rates and engagement with both the client and Paxus.
By consistently refining the training curriculum and staying attuned to emerging industries, our team ensures that participants receive the most up-to-date and relevant education. By nurturing this talent, empowering individuals with sought-after skills, and facilitating placements in niche industries, Talent Solutions and the Department together contribute to the prosperity of the workforce in NSW.
And, currently Paxus is actively engaged in the implementation of a further three programs throughout 2024.