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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

As an APP Entity under the Australian Privacy Principles, Paxus are committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals we deal with.

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We only collect information that is reasonably necessary for the activities directly related to our core business. The following sets out our policies on handling personal information.

Kinds of personal information collected and held:

Paxus are a personnel agency specialising in the recruitment of IT contracting and permanent staff. The following table provides a summary of the types of personal information collected by Paxus.

Personal Information

What it is used for

How is it collected

Information, such as names, business contact details, and dealings with suppliers and potential suppliers to Paxus.

  • ​To administer Paxus' dealings and potential dealings with suppliers of products and services.

  • ​When you provide it to us either in person, writing and / or electronically for supply related purposes.

Information, such as names, business contact details, and dealings with clients and potential clients to Paxus.

  • To supply products and services.

  • To administer Paxus' dealings and potential dealings with customers.

  • To market our products and services.

  • When you provide it to us either in person, writing and / or electronically for business related purposes.

  • We may also collect personal information about you from a range of public sources including: directories, the internet, social media, personal referrals, newspaper, or general journals.

Interested 3rd Parties

Information such as names and contact details of persons who contact Paxus with requests for information, including through emails from the Paxus website.

  • To respond to those requests.

  • To market our products and services.

  • When you provide it to us either in person, writing and / or electronically for enquiry related purposes.

Job Seekers / Candidates
Information about applicants for employment or contractual positions (including CV information and online profiles).

  • To assess those applications for employment or contractual position.

  • To create online profiles accessed by the candidate using the internet.

  • When you provide it to us either in person, writing and / or electronically for the purposes of seeking employment through Paxus with one of their clients.

  • We may also collect personal information about you from a range of public sources including: directories, the internet, social media sites, personal referrals, newspaper, or general journals.

Paxus' Contractors
Information about Paxus' employees and contractors relevant to their employment or contract with Paxus. Government related identifiers such as Tax File Number, Passport Number, COVID-19 Vaccination Certification Document Number (as required), and Drivers Licence Number.

  • To fulfil Paxus' responsibilities as an employer and contractor.

  • To fulfil Paxus' responsibilities under applicable COVID-19 legislation and public health orders, taxation, superannuation, and work rights legislation.

  • When we receive requests for further information that is reasonably related to your employment, which could include but not limited to; a workplace accident, any insurance, litigation or professional disciplinary matter, a complaint or work related reference.

  • As required to comply with any legislative requirement.

Website Visitors
Website Cookies

  • To analyse our web traffic and improve our site and service.

  • To help us provide a more personal experience on our website.

  • We may use cookies in order to provide you with targeted advertisements on third-party websites.

  • We may use cookies to sell advertising on our website.

  • When you visit our website, cookies may be downloaded by your internet browser and stored in the cache of your computer. These cookies have a unique identification number, which allows our website to identify your computer if you visit our website again.

  • Cookies that are saved on your computer do not allow us to access any of your personal information, such as your name, address, or email.

Sensitive Information

Sensitive information may need to be collected where it relates to a genuine employment requirement of the job or work that a candidate is being considered for. If sensitive information is required we will only collect it with the individual's prior consent.

Unsolicited Information

We may accept or reject unsolicited information that is sent to us. If a Job Seeker sends their personal information to us for the primary purpose of seeking employment then we will treat that information in the same manner that we do of a person that has responded to a job advertisement. If the unsolicited information is unrelated to Paxus core business, then the information will be destroyed.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Personal Information that is held about individuals is only disclosed for the primary purpose for which it was collected or where we are under a legal duty to do so.

Disclosure will usually be:

  • Internally and to any Paxus legally related entity.

  • To our clients for consideration for vacant positions.

  • To referees for job suitability purposes.

  • To ensure continuity of service, to another company if the supply of the service has been transferred to that company.

  • To applicable Government agencies as required by law.

We outsource a number of our business activities to contracted suppliers. As a consequence of this outsourcing our suppliers may see some personal information. Typically our suppliers include:

  • Legal and other professional advisors.

  • Accredited auditors.

  • Insurance Brokers and Assessors

  • Superannuation fund managers.

  • Training providers.

  • Background checking and screening consultants.

  • Software solution providers for the purposes of parsing resume data into our database, and the creation and administration of any online profile.

3rd parties that request access to individual's personal information (e.g. employment history checks) will only be granted access based on the individual's written consent.

Disclosure of Personal Information Overseas

Paxus do not disclose any personal information overseas. All personal information collected and used by Paxus is securely stored on IT systems and databases located in Australia and subject to Australian Privacy laws.

In cases where a candidate is required by Paxus clients to provide personal information on a client timesheet application, then the client privacy policy will apply. In such cases some client timesheet applications may be hosted overseas.

Storage and Security of Personal Information

No data transmission across any network, including the internet, can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. While we strive to protect personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, we cannot guarantee the security of information that is transmitted across a network (including the internet) by 3rd parties (e.g. job seekers). These activities are conducted at the 3rd parties' risk.

Paxus will however, take reasonable steps to ensure that we hold personal information in a secure environment accessed only by authorised persons for the purposes and processes described within this policy. Our reasonable steps include but not limited to:

  • Records management practices in accordance with our ISO9001 quality certification. Where information is lawfully destroyed at the end of its use by a secure means of disposal.

  • Training all staff on their responsibilities when handling personal information, including awareness of Australian Privacy Principals and respecting the confidentiality of client and job seeker information and the privacy of individuals.

  • Ensuring a high level of IT security is applied to all systems that hold personal information under Paxus control.

Quality of Personal Information

Paxus will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information collected is accurate, up to date, and complete. Our reasonable steps include, but not limited to:

  • Job seekers' personal information is date stamped when it is collected.

  • Candidates' personal information will be updated when they are contacted regarding an available and suited position. The Paxus recruitment consultant will update the candidate's record as applicable at this time to ensure all information is current and correct.

  • Contractors' personal information is updated upon contract renewal.

Access, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

Under the Australian Privacy Principals individuals have a right to access and correct their personal information that is held by Paxus.

To the extent that they are entitled under the Privacy Act and other applicable laws, individuals can access and/or request a correction of their personal information held by Paxus except where:

  • Evaluative opinion information has been obtained confidentially in the course of Paxus performing reference checks to which that access would impact on the privacy rights of other people. We reserve the right to refuse access if we believe that it would breach any confidentiality that is attached to that information or the access would interfere with the rights of other people.

  • If an individual wants to obtain access to their personal information held by Paus, they can do so by contacting the Paxus Privacy Inquiry Service ([email protected]).

If an individual believes that the personal information that we hold about them is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant and/or misleading, they can request that we correct this information by contacting our Privacy Inquiry Service ([email protected]).

If an individual would like their personal information removed from our system/s, they can simply send us a deletion request to our Privacy Inquiry Service ([email protected]).

When requesting access, correction and/or deletion of personal information, individuals must understand that we will seek sufficient identification from the individual to verify that the information is pertaining to them and that we are accessing, correcting and/or deleting the appropriate personal information.


At Paxus, we welcome any suggestions for how we can improve our personal information handling processes. All comments, complaints, inquiries, or suggestions can be sent to the Privacy Inquiry Service ([email protected]) or in writing to our Privacy Officer, Paxus Head Office, Level 9, 333 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000.

Upon receiving a privacy complaint, Paxus will deal with the complaint by following the process below:

  • Taking steps to confirm the nature of the complaint and the contact details provided to us are correct to ensure that we are responding to the correct complainant or to a party that the complainant has authorised to handle their complaint.

  • We will confirm the receipt of the complaint with the complainant.

  • We may seek further information to qualify any aspect of the complaint by making inquiries of any person that can assist us to establish what has happened and why.

  • We will require a reasonable timeframe to respond within; usually 7-14 days.

  • If the complaint can be resolved by our process for access, correction, or deletion, we may suggest this as a possible solution.

  • If we believe that the compliant may be capable of some other solution, we may suggest that solution, on a confidential and without prejudice basis.

  • If the complaint cannot be resolved by means of following the above process, we may recommend that the complainant seek external advice like the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Notification of the Collection of Personal Information

Paxus only collects personal information that is directly related to fulfilling its obligations as a recruitment service provider.

By voluntarily providing Paxus with personal information (i.e. via a job application/submission of your CV), individuals consent to the collection, use and disclosure of their personal information as described in this policy.

Candidates are notified of the Paxus Privacy Policy via a link on all auto reply emails when an online job application is submitted.

Candidates that are successful with their job application and become contractors of Paxus are required to sign an induction pack that provides formal acknowledgement of the Paxus Privacy Policy.

Direct Marketing

Personal information is not used by or disclosed to any third party for purposes of direct marketing. From time to time though, we may use personal information for marketing purposes within Paxus that are directly related to the following activities:

  • Job seekers that are registered with us with updates in relation to employment opportunities, market information, service satisfaction surveys, and promotions like our Online Footy Tipping Competition.

  • Clients with whom we have a relationship, with market information, service satisfaction surveys, and promotions like our Online Footy Tipping Competition.

  • Subscribers to our website and social media accounts with news and job alerts to which they have subscribed to.

All marketing communications sent by Paxus will include an opt out reply should the individual not wish to receive future communications.

Notifiable Data Breaches

In the event of a suspected or known data breach that involves unauthorised access or disclosure of personal information that Paxus may hold; Paxus will investigate the breach and take the following actions (as required) in accordance with our information security processes:

  • Contain: Paxus will take immediate steps to limit any further access to and distribution of the affected personal information.

  • Assess: Paxus will assess the data breach to determine whether it will result in serious harm to any of the individuals whose personal information was involved.

  • Take Remedial Action: Where possible, Paxus will take steps necessary to reduce any harm to individuals whose personal information was involved in a data breach.

  • Notify: Where serious harm is likely to occur to individuals whose personal information was involved in a data breach, Paxus will notify the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) in accordance with the Notifiable Data Breach Scheme, affected individuals and other relevant bodies.

  • Review: Paxus will investigate the cause of all data breach events and review existing controls to take action to prevent future breaches.

Changes to this Policy

Paxus may revise this policy from time to time. The most current version of this policy (the 'Paxus Privacy Policy') will be published on this website or can be obtained by contacting the Privacy Inquiry Service (contact details above). We encourage interested parties to check the policy regularly. We will not separately send notifications of changes to individuals.

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