How to get a pay rise without asking for it
You have just missed out on a promotion or pay rise. You are confused, as you have achieved your KPIs and done everything that your boss asked - so why were you overlooked? The simple fact is that meeting expectations in today's market is just not enough. Employers are running a tight ship, and to get a pay rise or a promotion in this economy you must make contributions that are worth more than what you are getting paid. Stepping up and going over and above is what you need to do to get there. By doing this, you will make yourself indispensable, and make your employer want to look after you to keep you in the organisation. Here are some simple steps you can take to help you get ahead.
It's not as hard as you think.
Make your boss look good
Learn what is important to your boss, anticipate what they want to stay on top of and send through interesting articles or regular updates to help save time. Nothing makes a boss happier than you making their life easier, especially if you make them look good in front of their boss.
Own up to mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes, but nothing looks worse than making a mistake and trying to cover it up. If you do make a mistake, flag it early. The trick is to not only bring it to your boss's attention as soon as possible but to also put forward a proposed solution. Your boss will be happy that you were honest and transparent, and that you took initiative to come up with a solution.
Seek out training opportunities
Identify skills gaps or areas where you want to improve, and take the initiative to improve them. Identify courses that you want to complete, and pursue them in your own time. If your company offers training opportunities, this is an added bonus – make sure you take advantage and utilise any opportunity you can.
Industry and competitor knowledge is key
Make sure you get to know the industry, your organisation's competitors and the challenges it faces. Apply industry knowledge and best practice to solve organisational problems – this will make you look great in front of your boss and help you stand out.
Be proactive
Being proactive is a clear way to get your boss' attention. Look for things that need to be done, fix problems, and look for ways to streamline procedures and processes. Also focus on initiatives that can serve the company long term.
Build relationships internally
Intercompany relationships are becoming more and more important, particularly as organisations become more collaborative. You can impress your boss by using your strong internal relationships to get things done quicker – you will make their day by taking a piece of work off their plate, and leveraging internal relationships to get it done in record time.
Stay calm…at all times
Deadlines, work pressures and office politics can sometimes make work a stressful place. Keep calm in stressful situations, and show your boss that they can rely on you to perform under pressure. Keeping calm under pressure is a true quality of a leader, and leaders get promoted.
To get a pay rise - it all comes down to value
At the end of the day, the likelihood of getting a promotion or pay rise all comes down to the value that you offer your organisation. Your boss cares about maximising your contribution – so if you go over and above what is asked, consistently deliver, and show that you can help push the organisation forward, you will increase your chances of getting promoted. Good luck!
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